The sound of Music
I have vivid memories of repeating Sound of Music constantly as a child. The songs ringing in my head, copying the characters and acting out the storyline. This movie opened my eyes to an interesting world of musicals, throwing me head first into the excitement that is musicals. Musicals have a bad reputation overall. People see musicals as weird and not enjoyable but they are so much more than what people perceive. It’s such a beautiful experience when actors present the character’s emotions through songs. That’s what attracted me to begin with. Then I saw my first west end show which was Lion King and later saw Wicked and I knew this was one of the most amazing forms of art that humans had ever pieced together.
No matter how much a person hates musicals and shows, once you see in it on West End or broadway if changes the whole perception of it and makes everything so magical. The sound of music was that to me. A moment where finally realise the beauty of the arts. To be fair I had no idea who the Nazis were at that age and that was a common theme in that musical but just the whole ambience the colours used to reflect certain emotions and moods. The warmth reflected within the family that grew and the blossoming relationship of the nun and father. All of it added to become a beautiful story and the songs just made the emotions felt the more present and beautiful.
The sound of music was such a strange entity now that I look back but it was the starting point of my love for movies overall. Another musical that gave me the same emotions and excitement that sound of music left in me was largely west side story. Everything about that movie was perfect when I first saw it. The essence of forbidden love between two groups who believed and the *spoiler set structure of romeo and Juliet, Shakespearean tragedy formed within the storyline. The movie was long but it was a bright existence, romantic and beautiful. Perfect in every sense.