okay so life has been confusing lately... things have been going on and life is normal. i try to think of life is it as people say?
you have been lied to!!!!! i'm going to tell you what life really is and the outcomes.
Life is and on going circle. let me explain.
The circle starts in Kindergarten, nursery or whatever you call baby school.
Every sing person is friends or in some cases everyone makes fun of this one girl but that doesn't matter!
then you end up in grades or years or classes
this is from the 1st to either the end of middle school or the end of year 4
everyone is friends and people don't care really about your looks and they love you for who you are!
then it's the year when everything falls apart... cliques starts to make, girls turn bitchy, guys start to see themselves as hotter or uglier.
you could find there best friends! let's give them names maybe Emily, kate and Rian. these girls have been friends forever. but things change Emily and kate talk about Rian behind her back and then kate tells rian and then Rian and Kate talk about Emily and then Emily and Rian talk about kate. then they all fail.
they go to secondary or high school and they completly fall apart. Emily joins the populars, Rian becomes one of the misfits and Kate becomes a sex obsessed bitch!
Do you see what happend here?
they don't talk ever after that.
Back to the circle of life
the cliques
there is quite a few but here are mains follow along
there misfits- a mix of people who are so average. They don't care about sexuality, gender and are genually nice people and care about each others feelings. they are probably the most populars but they aren't treated as one. they have fights but they fix their mistakes often.
Popular- they are the popular within the year. they wear a little make up to cover up maybe spots or something and wear really short skirts. They normally have straight as fuck hair and they are generally beautiful. some are nice and some are mean. they normally stick to their groups and don't like to be sociable with the misfits. The mean part of the pops constantly talk about each other behind their backs they pick on each other about the smallest things and act like just bitches. the nice part don't socialize with others outside the clique but normally give a casual wave to the other cliques.
the loners- they always no offence have socializing problems and like to stick by themselves. this normally goes throughout the years. The name is pretty ironic because they aren't really loners if they spend time with each others. they normally ignore everyone else and like to stick to themselves. The only people they could maybe talk to but rarely are nerds and geeks with the exeptions of misfits.
Nerds and Geeks- They mix quite alot with the misfits. this could be so much mix but just keep in mind that it will never be pops! there could be Rock Band Geeks eg me! or Bang geeks (obsessed with 1D) it's quite a few mixes and/or could be the Geeks who are smart and so good at maths english and science but not creative only the lucky are.
those are some of the most popular and well known cliques. back to the circle of life.
afterwards the popular have slacked of work and the misfits have work so hard but are still average. the Nerds and Geeks are still getting straight A's. it gets to the last years and there are important tests coming up.
Test Results
Misfits-Pass but with C's or B and some get A's A*
Loners?- we will never know
So what does this tell you? Pick your cliques carefully because a clique you might pick might have a big difference to what happens in the future. Ok now i'll tell you what happens next
Nerds N Geeks- Become Scientists, Doctors, Mathematicians, Lawyers and i don't know something smart?
Mean Pops- Pregnant and working at home, in the streets asking for money, in a one bedroom apartment with no money trying so hard to find a proper job or dead from std's aids or something
Nice Pops- Medical schools or Practising Nurse. University or McDonald's because they kinda slacked off.
so just pick your groups carefully as you might waste the times for a better future.
Just as the famous people! Most were bullied or picked on when they were younger and the channeled their anger and lived their lives.
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