Saturday 2 January 2016

Luxury & Necessity

why is there mass production on meat which destroys the planet because (global warming) okay, when it's not really important and most animals end up in the bin. Whereas some people can barely get a meal in days. I find waste the most annoying thing. Recently i've taken action myself, i try my best to recycle and also i don't buy food if i'm not going to eat it all. Not to mention most of my old clothes are given to charities, resold or recycled. It's not enough but it's an action. I hope everyone will try to do it too as a new start to 2016. We all have the luxury to eat everyday in fact 3 meals while some people rarely eat especially since a lot of them are little children and toddlers even babies at a very important stage of their development. Please try to not waste while others rarely eat. You don't know how lucky you are to be born in the country and the family you are in. It won't hurt to recycle. It won't hurt to resell or give your old clothes you will throw away to charities. Less than 3% of water is usable on the earth and most of it is in developed countries which is crazy since most people in developing countries find water as a luxury even though it's needed for life. It's crazy how all of us do silly things like accidentally leave the tap running when that water can be given to children with nothing. 1 in 10 people lack access to safe water and it honestly makes me sad. Since i was a baby i have never stayed a day without showering or drinking water while some have never had that. I haven't written this to make you feel guilty or to make you sad or change your mind about what kind of person you are going to be, i can't do anything about this. However i can speak my mind and try to change your mind. Together we can all make a difference and help, we could do so much. I can ramble and ramble about how we need to do this and that and what we need to change but in the end you can do whatever the hell you want to do and you can choose to read 3 lines of this paragraph and ignore. I'm not saying i'm the best at this but we can all just try even with little things at the comfort at our own home. A real hero doesn't have to be someone who goes to rural africa and gives water to children because they want publicity a real hero feels in their hearts that there is something wrong when in 2016 children are dying from malnutrition and has the guts to speak out and change their way of life for the future of those few children who get ignore everyday even when they are in pain.

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